
Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Semeia is an experimental journal devoted to the exploration of new and emergent areas and methods of biblical criticism. Studies employing the methods, models, and findings of linguistics, folklore studies, contemporary literary criticism, structuralism, social anthropology, and other such disciplines and approaches, are invited. Although experimental in both form and content, Semeia proposes to...

critically allowing different contemporary contexts to inform the interpretation positively and to influence the type of questions put to the text in the process of interpretation. Theologians and biblical scholars are increasingly aware that all theological and biblical interpretations are culturally, historically, and socially conditioned (Schreiter: 3–4; Jeffre: 47). It is now acknowledged that the current exegetical methodologies have been developed from perspectives that are specifically Western;
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